I wish to add my sentiments to this discussion in this dark, dark time, yet I'm afraid I do not know how.

Despite numerous qualification in English Language I cannot find the words to describe the horror and shame that I feel about the tragedy that unfolded in the USA yesterday.

I can only say that I felt sick to the bottom of my stomach after witnessing the collapse of both of the World Trade Centre buildings, shortly after seeing TV shots of people hanging out of the windows.

It has made me think in a way I have never thought before, and I lie awake for hours at night contemplating the consequences and it makes me sad.

I know not whether there is an after-life or a god or whatever, but I sincerely hope that those innocent people that died that day will not suffer any more.

May their bodies and souls rest in peace, and may the families and friends of those involved find the strength to overcome the problems that they will face in mourning their losses.

A dark, dark day in our history.

Michael Ward