I scanned an old document and I want to make it look like its a piece of paper which has been wrinkled. I have tried using overlays of Fractal tranparencies but have not had much luck.

There are two two issues at hand.

1. The first is the appearance of the paper's surface so it looks like its been handled over time. I was wondering if anyone has a Xara file while I could use or adapt which has some overlays that I could copy the attributes from and paste over my scanned image?

2. Is there a way to apply a perspective mold to the bitmap scan so it looks like its laying on a horizontal surface THEN somehow take that image and "Ripple" the edges so the perpective image does not look flat? I found that once a perspective mold is applied to a bitmap, that no other distortions can be applied to "edges" of the bitmap. Hope this makes sense, its hard for me to explain.

I can post a graphical explanation if necessary.

Tony, do you have any suggestions?