Mark, what a splendid Terragen image! I'm amazed you can stand working with that horrid UI.

There's a great interview with Dr. Ken "Doc Mojo" Musgrave, the creator of MojoWorld and the intellectual father of Bryce, at this URL:

He talks about a lot of interesting things, and mentions these - among others - as new MojoWorld features:

The biggest things coming down the pike are:

- Plug-ins: This opens MojoWorld to the world, so we’ll just see what comes of that! There are no inherent limits here.

- Volumetric clouds: We have lots of great models of clouds and their lighting to add.

- Improved atmospherics: Terragen illustrates how important this is. We have the models; we just have to get them in there.


I predict that this guy and his software is going places! Let's stay tuned!