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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Help changing only width or height of an image?

    The question has been answered and comments noted. If there is nothing new to add then lets move along.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hertfordshire, UK

    Default Re: Help changing only width or height of an image?

    I started Xara in 2013, Version 9 had just been released and Xara Cloud was an idea. This will be my 6th year here.

    I provide escalated support for Magix (who handle desktop support) which includes gathering requests, logging bugs, writing articles, training new members of staff and all other support related queries. I also provide support for the new cloud product and also for internal staff like the graphic designers.

    If I'm not doing that, I'll be testing new features, bugs, installers, support for the forums here etc and more recently giving a shot at content with something we're working on called smart layouts.

    I push feedback of every sort from all avenues of contact with users up the chain and provide suggestions to those making the decisions, as well as send it back down the line from the managers to the users (and try to act as an intermediary with either line of communication before it reaches the other party). For example I'll tell my superiors if something is a good/bad idea and try to sway their mind before it reaches you, or tell users if something is likely to happen in the future and try to reciprocate their requests to management.

    Hopefully in time I'll move up to a more senior position of decision making but currently my position when it comes to such actions is more advisory.

    Just a brief introduction :)

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Help changing only width or height of an image?

    Sounds like you're a very busy and versatile professional! I'm impressed and hope you land a senior position soon. Thanks for all your work.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Help changing only width or height of an image?

    Thanks for the info, Rob. It helps to have a clearer picture of Xara & Co, and your place in it. It's also nice to feel like someone is listening even though we may not get the response we'd prefer.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Help changing only width or height of an image?

    very true, i wish you and yours all the best rob
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Richmond, UK

    Default Re: Help changing only width or height of an image?

    Thanks for all 44 replies to my original question. Yeesh. Um. I think I'm going to stick with an older version and never upgrade again. It's a shame as I both use Xara for pro game dev work, and I used to recommend Xara to artists as a cheap, powerful alternative to Illustrator. Sounds like that's not the path the company has chosen. This is where we part ways.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Help changing only width or height of an image?

    they are majoring on web design and office document DTP at the moment, witness the brand new 16.1 release - much needed improvements to tables and to font creation which is all to the good... but meshwarp, 'live' object fill with gap closure and all the other things we were asking for 10 years ago re core drawing have yet to appear...

    meanwhile in persuit of the primary goals, established workflow keep getting thrown
    Nothing lasts forever...




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