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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    San Diego

    Default Interface Reset (and some other related but non-essential questions)

    I recently decided to get crazy and see if I could possibly get nearly menu-free with Xara by using the button palette and other menus to the essentials that I always use and toss away other icons I don't use (or don't know what they do, see below), but decided that I've messed it up too far. However, the tool bars don't revert when deleted back to their normal states with the full roster of action buttons.

    In short, is there a way to restore Xara's interface setup without reinstalling?

    On to the related but not urgent stuff:

    1.) Does anyone else customize their Xara interface and if so, would you mind posting a screenshot? I'm always interested in other people's workflows.
    2.) There's a couple of items on the button menu that pop up which are interestingly obscure...anyone use any of these and if so, what for:

    Mark Selection As Soft Group
    Pen Tool (is this just a mimic of Illustrator/Freehand to make converts feel more comfortable?)
    Clone (as opposed to duplicate)
    Paste Opacity Mask
    Image Slicing


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Interface Reset (and some other related but non-essential questions)

    To reset your toolbars go to Window/Control Bars and click the "Reset" button on the right.

    Customizing your UI is based on which functions you use most (your workflow) and how much 'real estate' the program has on the screen you use.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Interface Reset (and some other related but non-essential questions)

    Mark Selection As Soft Group
    Mainly for Web use. It allows objects to be soft grouped over several layers. Just normal grouping however moves all object to the upper layers and is exported as a bitmap.

    Pen Tool (is this just a mimic of Illustrator/Freehand to make converts feel more comfortable?)
    It's been in Xara from a long time ago. I never use it, preferring the shape editor tool. Xara appear to have placed it on the back-boilers too, as it's no longer in their default toolbar.

    Clone (as opposed to duplicate)
    Clone creates a duplicate in exactly the same position as the original, were duplicate is offset dependant on how it's set up.

    Paste Opacity Mask
    Not something I use frequently. Opacity masks create transparencies dependant on darker/lighter colours. White becomes 100% transparent, Black 0% transparent.

    Image Slicing
    A throw back to the days when you needed, due to the slow internet speeds, to cut images into smaller images to ensure something appeared to be happening whilst loading a web page.

    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    San Diego

    Default Re: Interface Reset (and some other related but non-essential questions)

    Oh cool, thanks! The opacity mask is actually something I have been wanting to play with more instead of editing shapes and using feathering and multiple layers of the same image as different shapes. I think opacity masks would probably save me time (and probably memory...lol)




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