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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    WD6 Trouble Publishing to server - password not accepted

    I have been using Web Designer MX for a couple of months, but I have only just been able to try publishing my site to my new hosts. My previous hosts had issues with bulk spam leading to their servers being blocked by all the main companies. However, after setting up the FTP connection in MX and attempting to publish, I keep getting the message "password was not accepted". I have checked and double-checked that I have entered the correct password, as provided my my new hosts, but to no avail. I can very quickly access my domain, using Filezilla (using the exact same password), so why does Xara MX keep telling me it's wrong? Any ideas, as I'm having to uplaod everything by hand, using Filezilla, such a waste, when MX is supposed to do it all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Wichita, KS

    Default Re: Trouble Publishing to server - password not accepted


    For what it's worth, My experience is that in the long run you will be happier with Filezilla

    More dependable and flexable

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Trouble Publishing to server - password not accepted

    Welcome to TalkGraphics jazzygt

    The most direct solution would be a call to your web hosting company. They can review your settings with you and let you know if anything needs to be changed. The best we can do here is guess because each web hosting company is different.

    Waltn's suggestion is worth a try. If you can connect with Filezilla, or any other FTP program then there is a problem with WD. But more often than not it might be the wrong sub-directory, or possibly your password is context sensitive and you have not entered it precisely.

    Have a go with Filezilla. If you are not familiar with Filezilla, it is a free FTP program that lets you connect to your web host, then drag and drop your files from your computer onto their servers. Instead of publishing your files from WD to the web host, you publish your files to a folder (I like to do this to my desktop), and then drag and drop these files into the proper directory on your web host's server.

    But before you try this, give your web host a call and see if they can help you connect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Trouble Publishing to server - password not accepted

    Thanks for the replies, folks. I guess I'll have to soldier on with Filezilla, as it seems WD isn't compatible with my host's system :-(. I contacted them and they said it must be a problem with WD, so rather than go round in the ever-decreasing circles of blame-shifting, I'll have to learn more about Filezilla.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Trouble Publishing to server - password not accepted

    Have you have contacted xara support and given them all the details related to the problem you are having?

    There are also several KB articles which may give some clues;



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