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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sloan, NY (Suburb of Buffalo, NY, USA)

    Red face Can Xtreme be tricked

    I use Xtreme 5 to maintain our village's web site. A couple of months ago I tried using MSoft's SharePoint (Office 2010) to synch the files between my desktop and my laptop. I was going out of town for 3 weeks and needed to be able to update the site as needed.

    Dunderhead that I am, I did not have a backup and, of course, SharePoint scattered my files to the winds. Approximately half of my .xar and .htm files are gone forever. However, I stumbled across the "'page'_htm_files" for all the missing pages.

    Here is my question. Is there a way I could use those "page"_htm_ files to rebuild the lost .xar and .htm files? If so, what pointers or links to the css files would need to be changed to get the new page to work with the old page files?

    I deeply appreciate any advice\tips you can give me...rebuilding these pages from scratch is more that just a teeny bit frustrating. Almost as frustrating as not backing up my files before turning Microsoft loose on my hdd.

    Thanks ever so much,

  2. #2

    Default Re: Can Xtreme be tricked

    The *_htm_files folder only stores has the assets/resources for the *.htm pages which reside in the site root. There's no 'page' layout data there I'm afraid.
    The short answer is, no - you can't trick Xara into rebuilding your design in Xtreme from these files, you'll just have to knuckle down and start from scratch. At least you will have the graphic files in the *_htm_files folder to re use.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Sloan, NY (Suburb of Buffalo, NY, USA)

    Default Re: Can Xtreme be tricked

    Yeah, that's kinda what I was afraid of. I looked through the html for the page as well as the page-name_htm_files and found myself depressed. Oh well. Live and learn, I suppose.

    Thanks so very much for your quick response!



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