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  1. #141

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    It's really terrific when members pop in after many months absence to say hi and with such a positive post as MerryOtter's.

    But it's really sad how some people just have to be cynical, negative and crap on someone else and a product for no good reason

    Also what's the idea of suggesting a member must be on drugs?

    Remi, just because you can post, doesn't mean you should.
    What are you trying to achieve with such trolling and put downs?

    It's just so sad.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Steve, did you missed the smileys in my post or do you just have a bad day?

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Like the Lennon quote Remi - very apt for some
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Detroit, MI

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Quote Originally Posted by remi View Post
    It's obvious, that you don't work with CMYK very much. For such purposes, Xara lacks a real CMYK mode - since years without change. Instead, they are coding a new "red eye removal tool" with each and every new version.
    You're right, I don't. Most of my stuff these days is for on-screen presentation. My point is that while some people may not be happy with the advances in certain areas, this release is making others quite delighted.

    I learned long ago, both in my personal life and in business, that it's better to focus on what you're good at instead of trying to be all things to all people. The best competition to have is no competition at all. In my opinion, there's no replacement for Xara Xtreme, it solves key problems for me that aren't addressed by other software.

    Do I personally think I'll use the red-eye removal tool? No. But there certainly must have been some users somewhere who have requested it. I also think it's a common mistake of people to say, "Oh, they have feature X but not feature Y" as if all functions were of equal difficulty to implement. It's a little like saying, "Oh, you added the ability to group Web-safe fonts at the top of the menu, but you didn't port to Mac, how dare you!" A Mac port is obviously a lot more work, and if you can add little check-box features like this to increase the appeal of a product, you probably should. I'm sure it was a heckuva lot easier to do a red eye gadget versus proper CMYK support.

    One thing I do like about Xara is how it bridges the gap between vector and bitmap editing. It's so much easier to incorporate bitmaps into documents than with Illustrator, so I don't begrudge them adding enhancements like this. Content-aware resizing is an example of this. It's not something I would ever expect to see in Illustrator, ever. And I'm a little surprised to find it in Xara Xtreme. But then I can think back to some occassions where I had stock photos that didn't quite fit the space I needed, and how this would have let me incorporate those images, saving hours of work or redesigning my layout.

    Another aspect to consider is that Illustrator has become corporate-ware. There is a real possibility that Xara could spend all their time and effort adding these high-end functions only to discover it was for naught -- generating not a single extra sale -- because companies have "standardized" on Illustrator and will not budge at this point. I certainly have had trouble getting some designers to be open to the idea of using Xara Xtreme, to even have a look at it... firstly because they haven't heard of it before (and often because they are Mac users) but mostly because they have spent the thousands of dollars on the software, education/training, supporting utilities, etc. and then are convinced they are much more employable with "Adobe" on their resume than with "Xara."

    I'm sure some people will look down on the kind of graphics design work I do, just as they look down on Xara. But I think it's a real gem, and I applaud what they've done with this version and look forward to what's coming next. If you think it's a great product, want to continue using it, and want more updates the best thing to do is to support the company with your upgrades and feedback.
    Last edited by MerryOtter; 28 June 2009 at 11:34 AM.

  5. #145

    Smile Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Blimey Steve! Take it easy mate. Remi was hardly "trolling" and it seems Merry is not offended as much as you are.

    I know this can all be irritating to those who have no or few complaints about Xtreme and those who moderate such discussions, but this thread is petering out, dying a natural death. If it is closed prematurely you, more than anyone, know that another will be started to replace it. Not long now and the whinning will fade for a while, until next time.

  6. #146

    Smile Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Oops! Double-post, sorry.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Hi MerryOtter,

    it's not the question if someone is looking down on your design work or not. I don't think a customer is able to recognise the vector editor you used for your work - in the end it's just a tool.

    This discussion is more about the progress of Xara Xtreme as a tool and the "feeling" of eobet that _he_ is no longer Xara Ltd.'s target audience. That you're able to find similiar statements from a lot of other members within the last five years is the really sad trend.

    My point is, that I can clearly hear and are able to understand these (from fanboys so called "negative") statements from disappointed customers. Like another member has said before: It's nearly the same with Xara like with General Motors - if you're not able to hear the voices of your customers, you will end without customers.

    Or with other words: Since when are customers obligated to support a company with a wrong product strategy by purchasing their upgrades?

    In my eyes, the best idea would be, if Xara Ltd. would rethink the product strategy.


  8. #148
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Remi, what are you smoking out there? It has negative influence on your counting abilities.
    Now, count how many users officially announced that they permanently stop using Xtreme on this board lately? If you can't count due to the stuff you smoke, I'll tell you - 1 permanently and 1 (for XWD) supposedly until the next version.
    Now, try to count with your fingers how many new users we have here since, for example, XWD release? You have not enough fingers even if your have a double vision from those drugs.
    So, if you still think that it would be better for Xara to go the other way, listen others, and exchange all the new, and happy with upgrade users for this 1, then you shouldn't smoke that stuff any more, it's way too dangerous for your intellect.

  9. #149
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    That's your opinion,Remi,Not a fact,
    I guess that illustrator did lose customers when they created the bloatware it is today and more so to Xara I presume,but this is a road you don't even consider to be in your mind.
    That's why you keep kicking and screaming like a little boy that didn't get the lollipop.

    Rolling Stones:"you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes(to be grownup),you get what you need(not what you want)"

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    her we go sliding off the original topic - which Remi is addressing, whether other members like it or not

    The best response so far has been from ... Merry
    Nothing lasts forever...



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