Thank you Earl and thank you Bob!

The answer to your question Bob is yes, absolutely. Once you snapshot the object, the tool is still active and you just drag your mouse or pen to recreate what you just snapshot as many times as you like. Then if you enter the edit mode before you snapshot it to the canvas, you can edit away to your heart's content, moving, scaling, rotating, colorizing, texturing,...the list goes on. And if you save the tool under different names as you go along, you can have different versions of it to be loaded up at any time during that session or any in the future.

And one other thing... Using a pressure-sensitive graphic pen like the Wacom Intuos or Graphire is the GREATEST! Not only for Zbrush, but Photoshop, XARA, Illustrator, and Painter do fantastically with it as well. Please forgive me if I'm saying something everybody already knows. I've only had mine a couple months and I can't figure out for the life of me why I waited so long to get one.

If you have any other questions that I can answer, please, just ask away. And get the darn demo! You'll get hooked too! And if I remember correctly, it doesn't put a bunch of junk in your registry like most programs do.

Danny Huff
(I'm the guy who USED to have a lot of excess hair)