Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
take a short line, of fixed weight which it has to be in xara, made with the line tool - then imagine just a quick drag on the end with the mouse/pen to bring it immediately to needle point - hey presto, an eyelash
imagine what you could do with such a tool when say, changing the expression on someone's face in a cartoon, or any such drawing situation, quickly, easily, expressively; no need to redraw it, no need to make a new brush, just change it
no need to use a brush at all
@handrawn, methinks you are splitting hairs here.

Take your same line. Apply something line a Raindrop profile.
Now, switch to the Eraser tool and click-drag through the line in several places. You get lots of little eyelashes.
Each one with its own control points that can be adjusted anyway you like.
Now, change the Softness to a small value 0.1px and when erasing you are instead working with an Opacity Mask so that you can actually split hairs.

Most of these operations are just a click away as well.
Definitely harder to achieve, more so with Lines around Shapes (where Brushes can come into play) but there is an untapped richness here.
