True, I got off track somewhere. I guess it was the grab a middle handle to resize that threw me, which doesn't work of course. The corner handles have to be used and aspect ratio locked in mode 1. This works for me no matter if Smart Transform is on or off but only in the state where the rotation handle is at the middle top. With the other mode/state with the rotation handle at the upper right, only the bottom right handle resizes the image, and does so irrespective of the settings of Smart Transform and Aspect Ratio. I think the point is that there are two states/modes as I showed and they do things differently.

So for the OP, with aspect ratio locked, why not just move the upper left corner of the image to where it should go and then use the bottom right handle to resize the image to fit - same aspect ratio.

Also in mode 1 with rotation handle at middle, aspect ratio locked, or in mode 2 with rotation handle at the top right, aspect ratio locked or unlocked, if the OP knows the size (width or height) just type it in the box,enter.