Quote Originally Posted by bwood View Post
It does beg the question, why are the ready made nav bars so inefficient? Many new users would use them exclusively.
Or can one use a ready made bar, take it apart, and adjust or eliminate some of the button states.
Bill, it is all around a historic choice Xara made regarding button creation where stretch buttons are used to construct menu bars. This requires a Text Line grouped to a blob so when the text grows the blob stretches.
All one with code as well before more powerful CSS. Even the newer buttons still expect blobs and invariably end up as bitmaps.

If you open up a NavBar for editing, you can add image filenames for each blob and state and reassemble. When you then Repeat across pages, you are referencing named blobs and not hosts of numbered blobs.
Extremely messy, which drove me to CSS NavBars - no images.
