no joy here - I do find sometimes it takes a while to fail - usualy a zoom pause, zoom pause, zoom pause.... sequence does it - a progam that does this sort of thing is not a program to rely on or even use wherever possible

I assume you are using pro+, ernie too, I'm using ver 20 which may make a difference

I'm fairly sure there is a machine specific aspect to this... it's worth noting that I currently have 32 inch 4k monitor set native resolution at 200% scaling, and this does not appear to happen if I reduce the xara window right down to small, but unusable size - windows scaling at 100% though makes no difference

here is a video of the crash - I forgot about the music playing, but rather appropriate I thought so I left it in, might be a tad loud for headphones...

dry4 32px test video xara pro 20.mp4