I've been using Xara for many years. I'm trying to install the program on a new computer and can't seem to get it out of a trial mode. I've downloaded the program on the new computer and in the upper right corner there's a button that says "upgrade" but I can't seem to find where I can just register the trial edition and get it to work normally. I must have installed Xara well over a dozen times on various computers and don't remember ever having such a problem. Also, I notice that the icon is different - it's now a stylized "X" but on my other machine it's still the purple square with a kind of black arrow. If what I downloaded now is a newer version, shouldn't my other computer give me a notice to upgrade? The "old" version is Pro X; the newly installed is Pro+ I no longer subscribe to Xara's update service, the software I've been using serves me perfectly well for all the work I ask of it - which involves essentially daily use.