Xara Web Designer Premium... does most everything one could ask for, with regards to a simple straight forward web site... still have to figure out the permissions part of it all... it seems to be more of a CMS situation... this said, the content has to be created somewhere first. I am finding this app as a very valuable tool, although I did recognize that my spelling, and or typing has to improve some lol... I actually take advantage of many apps to get things done... for example, the cropped and saved pics are done with Photo Impact... and any modeling and or rendering tasks are done in Wings3D and Carrara respectively. I tried Xara3D out while doing a text challenge here at TG, and that was fun... but with Xara Web Designer Premium, we are more than satisfied. We are a retired construction guy, with still a PT/FT job, and we use tools of many brands to achieve the results we are after. To us, the right tool for the job, and workflow off of a plan is everything. That's why we buy them tools lol. In our mind, Xara Web Designer is totally worth the money spent for such. Cheers