Xara has released XPro+v21.7.

Its credentials are:
  • Xara Designer Pro+ SL x64 Feb 17 2022.
  • Xara HTML filter v.
  • PDF Producer: (Xara.com) PDF export 9,5,0,46.

Its release Notes are: http://releasenotes.xara.hosting/designer-pro-plus/

The good news for web developers is there are lots of SVG improvements.
The bad new for graphic designers is there are lots of SVG improvements.

I have put the Thread in this forum as the other flagged change is for vector illustration with an Alt key constraint for when dragging curve handles with the Shape Tool. In trying it, I've found it affords better control.

I shall make one observation around the "Other improvements and Fixes" section.
Resize of photo filled shape changed shape to rectangle. Fixed.
I would have thought the same difficulty in fitting Text Inside onto a Curved Corners box might have been sorted.

Xara has extended the SVG capability to better handle transparency (mix & multiply) and graduated fills.
Wall Shadows are now SVG and not images.

By far the best changes are probably hidden to you.
The CSS files Xara generates have had the proprietary prefixes removed as modern browsers are wll capable of the latest stylings.
Render blocking has been reduced and unneeded JS scripts dropped.
Xara estimates a 15% speed improvement for mobile rendering.
I am excited as I have been drumbeating on such matters for aeons. We'll see but thank you Xara for listening.

As will all releases there will be Bugs so be patient and try and document what is off.
My gut tells me that defaulting Shapes as SVGs to On is a risk as when it has been done before lots of things broke.

So XPro+ now has SVG rendering as well as WeBP replacing JPEG & PNG. Together these should combine into smaller, crisper and faster websites.
