Dencuga, I appreciate seeing a well-crafted website like this one.
I understand the effort in crafting the site for multiple languages.

The Home icon should be set for the selected language.
The Contact page Home icon has an extra static presentation.

The green banding wrapping around the back of the page is very clever and effective.
I would extend it to the footer and the pale green straps.

The animations become tiring after a time.
I would set them up to One-off so when you scroll the page they do not keep firing.

The Next/Previous icons need to be top of page or Sticky off-page to allow quicker clicking through the site.

Your biggest hurt will come with the images.
The Home page girl image is 1.2MB. They should all be optimised.
The watermark image on the Home page should be given an Image Filename so you can reuse it on all pages without introducing any new downloads for it.
All your major images should be given Image Filenames to allow easy re-use across pages.

You will need to address a SmartPhone version as well at some time.
