Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
that's because [as I don't need to tell you] the article does not contain any review material

to be a review the programs would need to have been tested in use and the results compared and benchmarked ...
Yes, all true. I specified comparative review, which is slighly different than a full review.

For a decent comparative review, the author needs to be at least intimately literate in the software being compared and how they are used, even if the review wasn't deeply compared. That author wasn't up to the task even an informal comparison review. Else APub wouldn't have been so favorably mentioned. Scribus is far more feature-rich than APub. XaraAnything wouldn't have had a mention at all, much less a defunct application version. Viva Designer should have, would have, also had its Linux and web versions mentioned too.

Oh well. I don't put any stock in these click-bait, regurgitated reviews anyway.