Sorry for all the messages, Turns out Facebook and others don't like ".tk", and will, in fact, block such TLDs for security purposes.

And so I have purchased ".com"

Quote Originally Posted by Gypsyjoe View Post
Braden, may I make a suggestion. On your links for the songs it says download, when I clicked them it took me to a new tab with a player. If you are going to actually allow the download of the song why not have 2 links for each song 1 to play and 1 to download the song? I managed to download the first song by right clicking the player and going to save audio as. Some people may not know to do this if they want to have your music. If you don't intend for others to actually download your music I would put play instead of download for your link. By the way I enjoyed the songs I did download!!!!
I'd like to have a play button that will play the audio in the same window, or possibly a music player widget, (Xara doesn't make one)
I'm not sure how to achieve what I'm trying to do in Xara, and I'm not sure that what I want to do is the best way to do it.

Your opinion and instruction would be very helpful.