I agree as well with Risto and John...all on the team did the very best that each could do. All that was asked of each one of us was to use the beta as we would use the program on a daily basis. I have a feeling we were all chosen for different reasons and I think we did do a great job of finding most of the bugs. Most betas usually finish by the forth beta but we did 6 beta's total and YES there are more findings even now but we are only human, many of us with full time jobs and families and yet we wanted to do our very best and in my opinion did a superb job. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

While John filed close to 20 pages of reports I did less reporting but did quite a bit of coorasponding with Charles and a couple of other programmers via email. We all use the program for different things so I appologize if we somehow over looked this clipview error as I don't use clipview all that often in my work. It's a wondeful function that I just have not explored all that much.

I think what really got me to come forward and speak, as I am now, is not about who is to "blame" for this missed error (if indeed there really is one) but your responce did not need to have such a rude tone towards Charles using an unessesary expletive (bitch) and implying that we beta testers did a poor job. Maybe that's why Charles really did not want any one of us to come forward in the first place, a protective messure in case the user base would place blame on the beta testers as one of the reasons, regardless I just did not feel that your responce was all that well thought out. We are all adults here (most of us.. :rolleyes) and that sort of language, used in the context that it was used, was just not nessesary, nor were some of the other comments. We were not paid for our time and I agreed to help and considered it an honor and did not expect anything for it. I love this program and only wish and want the very best for Xara Group Ltd. and the user base.

Considering all the bugs we did squash and the fact that Charles and Group are commited to further developing this fine software package to new heights and considering this was touted as a MINOR upgrade release in the first place then in my opinion if you did not read through the previous threads that Charles posted before the beta testing began you would have been aware of the plans and that indeed that it was to be a MINOR upgrade.

The very fact that this release offers 3 new major offerings (XPE, Solid object dragging, resizing & rotation and a new GDraw Rendering Engine) and other nice extras like improved CMYK print options, Multiple Layered PNG export and many many bug fixes and yes even interface improvements/eye candy, (new Icons) http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif is pretty darned generous for a MINOR upgrade, dont' you think??

And all the while Charles and Co. are STILL hanging around collecting more information and still fixing bugs that are being reported by other users. I would call that commitment in my way of thinking. If Charles does not ask me back to help next time, I'm fine with that, it was worth the time here to express what I needed to say! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

I'm glad your such a fan of Xara X1 but I just think that you might have thought a bit more about how you chose to express those thoughts.

I'm finished typing ......... for now!! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif