Hello all and Roly, please tell me how to attach my website to this post so that you all can see it and help me? Also, I noticed that I have been working on the wrong website. I say that because I noticed 4 of the same websites right above the website window (working area). In the past I used WebPlus X7 and loved the ease of the program, but thought the example websites produced by Xara WD 10 looked superior. And since I purchased WD 10 Premium over a year ago, but never used it, I decided to see what it was all about. However, I was prepared to purchase WD 11. Someone here advised that I should start out with WD 10 and learn it before thinking about moving up. That smart individual also suggested that Version 12 should be out soon. With some of the problems I've been having, I am more than happy the suggestion to start out with WD 10 was great advice. So, here I am trying to learn an entirely new web program, but coming along very slowly. Finally, I also note that sometimes when I draw a Text Box, I don't see the Text. What causes that to happen? You would think I would get tying the web bar to the pages