...but I design logos for a living. And when an organization is a non-profit I don't mind donating my ideas and my time (I have been doing this for over 30 years).

But when an established company wants "help" it usually means they want a logo for free. And while there are plenty of people who will help others at not cost (I do not remember seeing any offer to pay for the time and talents for those who helped you design your new logo). Professional logo design, by the way, starts at about $600-$1200 for a simple logo and goes up from there depending upon the size of the company and the ultimate use of the logo).

It is hard to make a living when people are giving away design for free. Helping someone by giving them feedback is one thing, but asking for a logo is another.

I hope you can appreciate what I am saying.


Gary Priester

Moderator Person

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