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  1. #1

    Default Direct unicode character access

    It would be good to be able to access characters above the ansi 255 codepoint directly in Xara applications.

    The manner in which Serif applications do so (at least PagePlus does) would be convenient. That is, typing the unicode value of say u+0104 and immediately pressing alt+x produces the corresponding character at that codepoint for the font in use.

    As well, an in-built character map / glyph panel ala Adobe and other products that would open with the font in use while typing, and being able to save various characters to a "Favorites" section at the bottom of the window would also be good. Being aboe to switch from the current font to any other installed font would also be necessary.

    (This would be a good addition to actually having OpenType feature support as requested in other threads.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA




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