Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
Can you upload a poor-performing file here or on dropbox.com and provide a link so I could take a look at it? If needed, as you cannot yet do PMs, we could arrange an email exchange of the link so it remains private if required.

Thanks Mike.... this has been my total Christmas for 2014, trying to work out the CorelDraw problem... after following these directions and suggestions, no luck. I have studied the issues as experienced by 'Judy'. As per her screenshot, this is the same as we have. We have X4, X5 and X7 installed in various positions around the company, and this issue has effected a number of designs. We cannot recover them to workable speed. At this point, I will be putting staff off in the new year unless we can get this resolved. We have installed patches 1 - 2 & 3 as recommended.
I will see what i can do with dropbox and dump a file in there, I'm not great myself with this..!