Right. But it's also about "Relative Content". Google looks at the "value" of your outgoing links.
The "nofollow" addition to Web Designer would help your page ranking by telling Googlebot not to follow the link to a website that is not related to your site. A non-related site would not have the same kind of content that you have on yours. For example. I have a customer who owns a haunted attraction. Pepsi is one of his sponsors that financially support his business. In turn, Pepsi requires him to put a banner ad on his home page linking to their home page. The kind of business Pepsi is in, is not related at all to the Haunted Attractions industry. This hurts his page ranking. And I can't put a "nofollow" for the entire page like you can in the Meta Tags, because he has other sponsors who are in the Haunt Industry that he links to that ARE relevant to his content, which helps his page ranking.

This is Google's take on Nofollow. It may have been what you saw. But it's not just to keep Googlebot from following links to things like "shady" or "paid content". I just think that we need to have the same kind of opportunities that other designers have who use other software. I don't want to have to tell my customers that their SEO is limited to the software that I use is all.


Thanks for your input.