OK. My last post in this thread.

I could care less whom agrees with whom. Advertising ruins absolutely nothing. It (advertising) cannot change anyone's intellect.

The person who sought untold sums of money is wrong. It (this attitude) of wanton suing is part of what is wrong with society. Personally, I think Red Bull made a silk purse out of a pig's ear here...and more power to them for choosing this path. They would have never been able to devise an advertising campaign for any amount of money for the advertising this generated. Heck, they paid out pennies on the dollar. Pretty smart.

While some may be too thick to realize it, or perhaps don't care, we all pay for frivolous lawsuits. Every day we spend any money, part of those dollars or cents go to fund frivolous lawsuits.

That is not to say that advertisers shouldn't be held accountable and, if cause is found, the regulatory bodies who oversee such claims should order the change. I believe these regulatory bodies ought to review advertising at the start of a lawsuit for such crap. Only if the advertising is found culpable should the lawsuit proceed...else it should get the toss.