Using WD9 Premium on Windows 7. I'm trying to insert a Google map and am getting this message each time:

Unable to find the HTML code for the widget on the widget site or on the clipboard.
- Search for a location using the search bar or click on the button labelled get directions.
- Enter your start and end address if you require a map displaying directions and click on on the button labelled get directions.
- Adjust map to desired center and zoom level.
- Click the Link button shown to the left of the map. This gives you the HTML code to insert into your website.
- Click the Insert button below to add the widget to your page.

With these instructions, I get down to the "Click on the Link Button ... on the left of the map" and there's no such button. And I don't particularly want to have the map showing "directions" anyway.

Please any suggestions?? It worked perfectly easily on an earlier website using WD8 Premium - - and I want the same thing. So I'm a little frustrated.

Thank you!