hi, exploring iframes and have managed to integrate a site fairly successfully but i have a couple of questions i am hoping some experienced xara web designer users can shed light on.

1. is it possible to share a web page through iframe without showing that websites menu.
What i am trying to do is have pages on a wordpress site that show in an iframe on my XWD site, then give client access to the wordpress site in order for them to be able to update their own site.

2. is it possible to have an iframe on my XWD designed site that only shows part of another sites web page, for example a particular section of that page that is between two photographs, where a client could update the text through wordpress access.

thanks for your help and please comment if you have any alternative methods that allow a client to update their XWD site. I know it cant be done through the software providers but i am aware of XT-CMS which i am exploring.... looking for something thats simple for Joe Blogs to use.

Any experiences to share on the subject would be welcomed too.