So, I finally got my websites finished and published them. Of course, after checking them both a million times for mistakes, as soon as I published them (into internetland) I spotted some things I wanted to change. I changed them, then exported, then published... and... what I wanted to change has not changed but randomly the colour of one of the pages has changed. I went back to the version on my computer to see if I'd altered something by accident, but I can't see anything. And, when I preview the page that has changed colour through the software then that is the same as it always was (with no change).

Does anyone have any ideas and suggestions how to fix it?
Bear in mind that I have very little knowledge of how this all works, so answers in idiot language would be good, please!

The website with the problem is www.alpinefreedom.co.uk
What I changed was: Website link colour, visited = at the moment, this is purple and I wanted to change it to a different colour that is readable. I changed this on both the German and English versions, the German one works, the English one doesn't.
And, the random page colour change is on the Contact page.

www.alpenfreiheit.com is a German version of the same website where everything is working as I want it.

Many thanks,