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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Squamish, BC, Canada

    Default Re: x9 - no new drawing tools

    XDPX came out last end of May so it's had a good run. The cost of the Xara software to upgrade at $99 from X to X9 is less than the cost of 2 fancy coffees / month. Ask Adobe how much coffee you could buy with their upgrade costs.

    I only use Xara for hobbyist use but for me, I spend more per year in coffee than I do for the program, I'm not wealthy but to me it seems rather inexpensive however you look at it.

    If you're looking for upgrades to the drawing portions of the program and they haven't been addressed then you really do have a beef but the outcome for that is not purchasing the upgrade if the old one is working for you.....you'll be able to buy almost 2 coffees that way per month over the next 12 or so months.

    When I first bought Xara, In fact Xara Webdesigner in 2009, I almost immediately bought Xtreme Pro 5 (1 month later, didn't know it was coming out).....at those costs, it's still a hard deal to refuse and I learned from that moment of less than thrifty purchasing to at least come on the forums and check possible delivery dates for the Pro version of that year's Xara. You don't have to be on here often to know that Xara Pro releases tend to be around June and July....proof of that? Check old posts that have to do with people asking when Xara migh be coming out.

    I see many excuses and reasons why Xara Pro isn't what it should be or hasn't got this or that.....that's today's reality with any software. The fact is, Xara is moving forward at all times. It may not be moving forward in the direction you wish so if that's the case, you can talk with your money.

    For me, a hobbyist, I will almost always upgrade simply because the deal is better here than anywhere else with super support. You can only give out software for free for so long before it bites you in the butt in your business and then.....poof, where are your users going to be left....right.....high and dry with a product with no more upgrades. With Xara, for sure, that would probably not matter because it's so good that whatever version you have, will likely do what you were hoping it would anyway.

    With that said, I will soon be upgrading and supporting the hard working programmers of Xara. I want development to continue on the package and, though I don't draw, I hope they will upgrade the drawing portions of the program as well as there has proven to be a need as shown by the many posts of those that do.

    This is still such an awesome program that I'm as blown away today by it as I've ever been...

    Kudos on you Xara.....

    Dates of upgrades and package

    Xara Xtreme Pro 5
    Registration date:18/09/2009

    Xara Designer Pro 6
    Registration date:30/06/2010 10 months

    Xara Designer Pro 7
    Registration date:07/07/2011 11 months

    Xara Designer Pro X
    Registration date:29/05/2012 10 months

    Today's version 13 months

    As you can see, these dates are fairly consistent. My reg dates are all within one month of release.
    Last edited by Karateed; 09 July 2013 at 09:27 PM. Reason: Getting actual dates of when I upgraded.

    All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
    -Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) - Xara s/w - Xara Designer Pro X11




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