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  1. #41

    Default Re: NEW: Xara Page & Layout Designer

    Quote Originally Posted by bcire68 View Post
    Of course you can wait until the final document is complete before creating the TOC in Word. But you are correct that changes would need to be made in Word again. Then again, not everyone has Word and I'm not sure how the alternatives to Word are at opening the .docx format.
    The arrangement of the text in XDP will presumably end up differently from in Word, so the contents page numbers would presumably be different also.

    Still, automatic page numbers is a welcome inclusion.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Boden Norrbotten, Sweden

    Default Re: NEW: Xara Page & Layout Designer

    To be able to work with my book project (550 pages +) there are some issues I need to have clarified.

    My book will contain a lot of chapters and they will contain text, photos and images/sketches.
    Some pages are ment to be folded, so all pages will not have the same size.
    However, page numbering is not to be used on these pages, as well as pages containing only photos.
    Then, the page numbering should advance +1 after the foldout pages or the photo pages.

    As this is ment to be a history book it will contain lots of names and places.
    Is there a simple way of tagging each name and place so that I can get an index in the end of the book referring to each page with person x and place y?

    After producing a lot of web pages in XDPX (8) I have noticed that the thumbnails showing each page are ridiculously small. My screen shows 1680 pixels on a 24" screen. Can these thumbnails be zoomed to be larger?

    Working with over 550 pages it will take for ever to browse. Could there be a folder structure to make browsing easier, or do I have to create each chapter in a separate folder and then importing them when the book is ready?

    If I import a Word-document with foot nootes - will they appear as foot nootes after importing?

    Well, that was just a few questions I have regarding DTP with Xara.

    Looking forward for any kind of comments ;-)
    Olle Dahlquist
    Web and Graphics Designer
    Boden, Sweden

  3. #43

    Default Re: NEW: Xara Page & Layout Designer

    Wait for the trial like the rest of us, then have a play - that'll be best way to find if it's suitable for your purposes, but remember, it's not designed to be a Quark or InDesign killer.

    Or you can download the MAGIX Page & Layout Designer 2013 which has been out for some time already. (Though I expect Xara's version will have several improvements)

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hungary, Poland

    Default Re: NEW: Xara Page & Layout Designer

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Or you can download the MAGIX Page & Layout Designer 2013 which has been out for some time already. (Though I expect Xara's version will have several improvements)
    Yes so that announcement sentence exactly in this context should be understood - "we’ve just announced a completely new product in the Xara range. "

    Meaning that not completely new product, however in Xara range yes

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: NEW: Xara Page & Layout Designer

    The column text, automatic new pages, page numbering are new I think. I was told the reason Xara did not release a Xara branded version of the Magix product was Xara wanted to wait until they got the new features added. So it would be more accurate to say, with all few features, but this is splitting hairs.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Eyre Heiss

    Default Page and Layout Designer

    (There didn't seem to be a better place for this post, but mods please move as you see fit.)

    As a previous user of !Impression by Computer Concepts (as Xara was in Acorn days), I was excited to hear about PLD. !ArtWorks and !Impression were two of my favourite applications way back then.

    I own XDPX and do a certain amount of DTP. Should I be getting PLD as well? It wasn't obvious to me, from the introductory comments, what PLD can do that is significantly better than XDPX.

    Grateful for advice.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Page and Layout Designer

    As posted in the original announcement

    So if you are a Designer Pro owner you might want to hurry along to Gary Priester’s ‘Quick Look at Page & Layout Designer’ on the Xara Xone @ http://xaraxone.magix.net/PLD/index.htm where you’ll be able to deduce some more of the new features you can expect in Pro X9, which will be arriving very soon!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    A guiet burb just outside NYC

    Default Re: Page and Layout Designer

    Xara Page & Layout Designer sounds great!

    I have been using Xara as a print tool for years to design business cards and brochures and look forward to using the new type handling features.

    I see that Xara will continue to offer PDF export. I have started to work on various eBook projects and it would be great if Xara could export to MOBI (Kindle), and EPUB.

    Of course, I don't expect to find MOBI and EPUB in the first version, but it would be great to have them in the next one.

    All best,


  9. #49

    Default Re: Page and Layout Designer

    I don't intend for this post to sound overly negative. I don't seem as impressed with these new capabilities that will be rolled into XDP as some. I think these new so-called layout capabilities will likely serve some well.

    I would have rather seen improvements in drawing capabilities, vector brushes, updated PDF export, updated import filters and so forth.

    Maybe next time...


  10. #50

    Default Re: Page and Layout Designer

    I will be using this for web sites, as I just need simple brochure style websites. As Gary showed I don't have to rely on PDF anymore to display my brochures !

    Regards, James




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