The one good thing about this (complex) code is that it worked first go!

Example site: Infinite Carousel.web

The steps are logical:

  1. Create a page and add all your carousel images to it. This is a special page that your can publish anywhere. I would.
  2. For each image, give it a Name using
    filename="name" - Utilities > Names...
  3. Export the site.
  4. Assuming your main page is called index, open the index_htm_files folder and check the filenames and extensions of all your picture assets, including the left/bar carousel images.
  5. On the page where you need the Carousel, add the Placeholder code I have used in HTML code (body) for my red rectangle.
  6. Change the filenames and paths in the UL list to yours and add or remove LI items as needed.

Copy the Web Properties > Website > HTML Code (head) code in my example site into the same location for yours.

Read the original website for parameters and image sizes; it's not my code.

Job done.
