Quote Originally Posted by Big Frank View Post
the problem with using tweaks is that you risk overwriting your hs file every time you make a change and export your html
Not necessarily. Create support folder for your document (if your document name is "mywebsite.xar", create folder named "mywebsite_xar_files" in the same location as your document) and place your custom copy of the highslide.js into it. As long as you have this folder in the same directory as your design document, the highslide.js stored in it will be used instead of the one generated by the html export filter on every export.

But remember, the highslide.js generated on export is not the same as original highslide.js available from it's author. It is altered and contains some code specific for particular design. So if you want to make a custom version, you'd probably have to export your website first, then edit exported highslide.js the way you like.

so i have my own placeholder in the head which blocks the xara generated headers, inserts my own which include a different location for the hs file
Yes, this doesn't seem nice at all.

(also allows me to include my own charset)
By the way, if you export multilingual sites, and want to have some non-koi7 text in html properties (ie title, alt etc.), you can use XaReg utility to force all export to Unicode. You can also change declared (but not actually used) charset as described in pt 9 here: http://www.talkgraphics.com/showthre...anced-features

if somebody could simply provide the dll with the french copy and any other language people want it in
I think you can purchase different language versions of WD.

what would be even nicer would be a way to switch languages within xara
I think you should post this suggestion in the dear xara forum.