I guess the need is for the beholder to decide. Like me, for example, I'm just little ol' business owner (nothing to do with design or photography) on a shoestring budget. One day I plan to hire a professional photographer to take some professional business photos. In the meantime, I have taken some great headshots/poses just using my webcam. However, my webcam is not a professional camera and there is a good deal of blurriness. There are two headshots I took of myself that I really love and use in my marketing, and I put these both through Smart Deblur and the results were absolutely amazing. 99% improvement. For $39, I'm totally going to buy the program as it's well worth the results, even just for this small, seemingly inconsequential purpose (though, it's not inconsequential to me). I think if asked, users would come up with all kinds of scenarios that Xara can't imagine would be useful (but is to users), and that would make it well worth Xara's while to include something like this. (Maybe partner with SmartDeblur, see if they can include it as a plugin, or buy the company even? Just a suggestion).