I understand how the first typed value in the Names is used for the value of the HTML id attribute: e.g., Apply Name [galleryId] > Add ==> id="galleryId".
Subsequent additions appear lower in the Names list and are effectively ignored.

Equally, including the phrase filename="..." allows the HTML scr attribute to be amended, e.g. Apply Name [filename="GalleryImage"] > Add ==> src="Gallery%20Image".
Again, subsequent additions appear lower in the Names list and are effectively ignored.

The HTML alt attribute is set with the web Properties > Image > Image caption (Alt Text): [Alt Text for the Gallery Image] ==> alt="Alt Text for the Gallery Image".

Provided the image is not used as a trigger for a Mouse-over layer, then setting Web Properties > Mouse-over > Show popup text (Title) sets the HTML title attribute: [Gallery Title Text] ==> title="Gallery Title Text".

I wish to use jQuery and my own code to further manipulate my images after they have been published; fade in/out being the simplest to visualise...
Provided I have applied Names to each image I could search for them separately with jQuery("#galleryId") for each and every unique id. This will lead to slow coding.
My solution seems to be constrained to prefixing all the images I want to manipulate with ids with a prefixed class as in Apply Name [ClassX:galleryId] > Add ==>id="ClassX:58galleryID" so I can properly add the ClassX using jQuery with jQuery(img [id^="ClassX"].addClass("ClassX").

I apologise for such detail but I wish to ask if anyone has a better approach?
Have I overlooked a current Xara kludge, as in the Names and filename="..." method, as I would love to see class="...", title="..." and style="..." included in future versions as any HTML element can have a class, title and style as well as an id.