Would someone please help me before I scream??? PLEASE answer with this in mind: I am NOT a computer language person. I do not have a background, or education in computer language.

Ok, I have Xara web design premium 8. I am trying to publish a page. I have gone into FILE>EXPORT WEBSITE as the tutorial said to. I do not know what file to save this to. please tell me.

I tried to publish and it's not publishing. So then I do some looking and am told I need to download an FTP client. So I download FileZilla. I get connected to it and it brings up all my files. Wonderful. SO what the HECK do I do with it now??? Would someone please explain to me how to use this thing, what the connection is to how I publish thru my Web Design program?. Please I beg of you, talk to me like I"m a 5 year old. Here are some more things you may need to know.

my web host is Dreamhost. I did have Wordpress and was trying to build a site but what a cluster of annoying confusion that was. I tried to delete all the files associated with it but don't know if I was successful. I do not understand all this "path this and path that talk". arg. Please Help!!!