Hi boy—

It looks like two differences, and both would be addressed in the code of the typeface and not the characters themselves. One is a Baseline difference, and the other is a metrics, probably kerning difference.

I, or Bill, or anyone with experience with Fontographer of FontLab, could go in and make the TTF and the OTF identical (I think, I'm not sure), but ultimately doing this would be an exercise, and not a service to the user.

Why? Because practically speaking, no one is going to use both the TTF and the OTF versions simultaneously.

Is there a "better" version out of the two? It's debatable. The kerning difference is truly marginal, and the baseline difference will not show if you type, for example, paragraph text, because the lines are consistent relative to one another. And this is a headline font, not a body text font.

Bill is completely correct: Xara 3D and most modeling programs are coded to understand Truetype, but not Type 1 or Opentype. They just do; it must be a programming thing.

Let's stop talking about the font, and let's use it!

My Best,
