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  1. #11

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Well the first thing you could try is to export the document to PDF from Designer Pro. I would try the Commercial Printing PDF/X 300dpi) setting.

    If you can output that file then this should be sufficient for your printer. Try this an let us know.

    What Peter was recommending is more complicated.
    Ok this is what I got:

    Exporting or printing to PDF doesn't dice: when exporting I get multiple and massive "Access violation at..." kind of messages and their "Out of memory" little friends Even if I have 4GB in this machine and everything else closed. In the case of printing to PDF, via Adobe Acrobat 9 it just doesn't do anything. It acts like if I have clicked the Cancel button.

    I have tried almost all export formats and get either Xara crashed, or the whole system crashed or nothing at all.

    Now, exporting to TIFF, 10% of the size it allows me to put 700 DPI max --this didn't worked for JPG, BMP, PNG formats. The file size isn't that bad: 14MB. Then can go to Photoshop and save it as JPG max quality --printer's request. The Image -> Image size dialog confirms it is 700 DPI. Saving the JPG drops the file size to 7MB.

    Now I have a new question: do you guys think this is enough for the printer to resize it to the correct size and have it at 300 DPI. I'm confused since by math: 10% of size at 700 DPI would yield 100% size at 70 DPI, that's without resampling I guess, uh?


    So I went to Photoshop and typed the 100% width and 300 DPI with Resampling box checked. It saved as TIFF and made a 400MB file. The other possible formats are PSB and RAW.

    However I won't be able to deliver such big file, so I ask again: would you guys think the 10% @ 700 DPI file would work for the printer?
    Last edited by lithium258; 15 April 2012 at 02:15 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    Have you a copy of Adobe Distiller? if not try Cute PDF and you can get it here; http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/writer.asp
    Also have a look at PDF 995 as I have heard good reports about it but have not used it: http://www.pdf995.com/
    Final thought if you want to make money with your designs why not upgrade your software to the Pro version it is worth the money just for the PDF export filter. If you have bought PS why not upgrade and get Acro Pro as it is one of the Adobe products it worth the money if you upgrade to the CS suite.
    Design is thinking made visual.

  3. #13

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Albacore View Post
    Have you a copy of Adobe Distiller? if not try Cute PDF and you can get it here; http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/writer.asp
    Also have a look at PDF 995 as I have heard good reports about it but have not used it: http://www.pdf995.com/
    Final thought if you want to make money with your designs why not upgrade your software to the Pro version it is worth the money just for the PDF export filter. If you have bought PS why not upgrade and get Acro Pro as it is one of the Adobe products it worth the money if you upgrade to the CS suite.
    But would that help me to get the right file for the printer? Now the customer is asking for another design...and I haven't found the right way to deliver the stuff, of course, I told them from the begining I'm new into car wraps...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    I have seen pictures in these forums of car wraps, so it can be done. I guess the person who did them before is no longer with us.
    Xara Software XDP11

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    Sorry I thought I read the you had Xterme 4 but you have Design Pro 7 which will output your PDF no probs so that is why I was saying try PDF maker. The thing that will cause you problem is the bitmap through its resolution because your making your wrap quite large. First thing is the resolution of your bitmap, what does it say the res. is when you select it on the info bar at bottom left because that is going to limit the scaling of your wrap as max.page size in D Pro is 2.75m and your wrap is larger. The bitmap res. that you import is going to have to be around 300 dpi as you want the output of the bitmap to be 150 dpi as your will have to scale the drawing because of the max. page size. Therefore you must say to your printer that the output of the PDF is half the size that you want so it is quite easy for them to double the size of the PDF. Other thing to mention keep as much of your design as you can pure vector and limit things like feathering, shadows and transparencies to a minimum as these things will be rendered as a bitmap which when scaled may not print cleanly. Hope this makes sense to you! Do a bit of research here and on the net about scaling PDF's
    Last edited by Albacore; 16 April 2012 at 09:51 AM. Reason: didn't mention transparencies
    Design is thinking made visual.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    I use Xara for some of our wrap layouts. You don't need 300 dpi at full scale! 72 to 100 is plenty and you won't tell the difference. I typically do the layout 1/10 scale and export at 720 dpi. I can't explain the difference that someone explained to me once, but just do a small test print and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    here is a link to some of the wraps we did, all designed in Xara, at 1/10 scale and exported at 720. (for 72 dpi at full scale) includes some close ups.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    That's great Sharx. Thanks for sharing.

    Now we need to get you to use Xara for your website

  8. #18

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharx View Post
    I use Xara for some of our wrap layouts. You don't need 300 dpi at full scale! 72 to 100 is plenty and you won't tell the difference. I typically do the layout 1/10 scale and export at 720 dpi. I can't explain the difference that someone explained to me once, but just do a small test print and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    here is a link to some of the wraps we did, all designed in Xara, at 1/10 scale and exported at 720. (for 72 dpi at full scale) includes some close ups.

    Now that's the answer I wanted to read THANK YOU Sharx!

  9. #19

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    Theoratically, exporting to pdf should do the trick, since pdf can use vectors that scale. However, I have tried it on my own images and found that some parts of the image are rendered incororenctly ot not at all.
    I used both the built-in pdf-exporter as well as cute-pdf. Most of the time Xara simply crashes.
    I will try to use the dpi-trick of sharx and compare the images.

    Some notes on my images: I draw them on A1 (approx. 84 x 62 cm). Because I use high-quality printers, I need to use at least 150dpi tiff-exports. I make A0-images by exporting them at 300dpi and have it print in twice the size (resilting in a 150dpi end result).
    Oh, and of course my images are kinda... complicated: lots of layers, containing many transparant groups, made of transparent and range-filled objects. Kinda

    BTW: I have had contact with xara-support about htis; initial ticket is handled well but my responses (inlcuding example images) are going in some void: next thing I usually hear is that the ticket is closed, because of no reaction . Oh welll...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Beaverton, OR

    Default Re: Help exporting vehicle wrap!!!

    To Sharx:
    Nice Ford Falcon (in 1964 took my drivers training classes in one ).
    Last edited by jclements; 17 April 2012 at 02:54 PM.



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