Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
Sonoferin - Paul is not referring to your tablet as an input device, he is referring to drawing on a table such as the Apple iPad.
Yes. I understood.

Not everyone wants to produce (or is capable of producing) photo-realistic work, but that does not invalidate the stylised work that is possible using the iPad and the paper programme. It seems rather disrespctful to those that produce stylised work, such as is possible using the software to compare the experience and results with using an etch-a-sketch.

Even beyond the realms of tablets, using real media, artistic work can be stylised and while it is not to everyone's taste, it's as valid as the fantastic results produced by Sonoferin. Sometimes photo-realistic work leaves me cold while stylised work can be moving (and vice-versa).

I'm sure Sonoferin will correct me if my interpretation of his remark is misguided.

The page software isn't the most sophisticated software available, but then again it can be used for much more than purely artistic purposes, and we all know that the capabilities of an artist doesn't depend on the software they use or the pencils in their hand.