is only interested in doing work for technology used by people willing to shell out their subscription fee - essentially professionals and serious amateurs. I don't think that Xara's market penetration would make it something that would see as being of interest to their subscribers.

Xara is seriously flawed for working in the existing professional pipeline dominated by Adobe. Established agencies have no interest in a single software product that does a lot of things well, but none very well. Xara software does great static website creation, but is useless for large sites or serious CMS integration. The drawing capabilities are good but seriously falling behind their competitors (and not just Adobe competitors).

Magix's heart is in the consumer/semi-professional market, not the professional market. They couldn't even capitalise on the notion of bringing Xara to the resurgent Mac market where there is less competition.

You are entirely right about people being less than happy with Adobe these days.