A few short years ago I was struggling to cobble our little publication together with some secondhand, outdated versions of Pagemaker and Illustrator and a chance afternoon of surfing the net for affordable alternatives brought me to Xara.com and right away I liked what I saw, but up to that point I simply cobbled clipart together for ad layouts. After a few days with Xara I decided I was going to follow a dream I had since my school days, so I set to learning all I could about graphic design and one of the first places I found to learn from was The Xara Xone. I started reading the tutorials and trying out what I read, and around the same time I also started visiting Talkgraphics. Before this I had never participated at a forum on posted any of my work online. But after finishing one of your wonderful tutorials I decided to sign up for TG and post my result. I was welcomed warmly by quite a few members and I remember being welcomed by you Gary and thinking how great it was that "The Xara Xone Guy" took the time to comment on my post. From there I progressed doing more tutorials and creating my own stuff! To this day I still use the Xone often for inspiration, and for a great resource. Thank you Gary for all that you have done to make the Xara Xone what it is, and Thank you for staying on as moderator.

Enjoy your new freedom and I look forward to more Stereograms And to Gare B Thank you for stepping in, you have a hard act to follow! I am looking forward to seeing what the new year will bring.