The tweakset's dynamic page template has enabled me to use Pulse CMS in a Xara Web Designer 8 MX, the dynamic elements lengthen the page nicely and push down the footer content when more CMS content is added. It has also encouraged me to learn how to style the dynamic placeholders with CSS3 drop shadows and rounded corners, which really smartens things up when viewed in a modern browser. Now I was all set to start a small website project, happy I had mastered enough to build a simple CMS friendly site when something nasty crossed my mind, if JavaScript is disabled by the viewer, then the dynamic page elements are disabled and everything overlaps. Should I worry about this too much, as I have read only a small percentage of people disable JavaScript? I am inclined to press on, as a random test of other websites out there seemed to break their layout / functionality more often than not, so everybody else is at it! I would love anybody's thoughts on this. Also could the dynamic page workaround be achieved without JavaScript? All I intend to do with the CMS is create a blog and editable areas on page which the website owner can easily update. The only other solution would perhaps be to resort to iframes, but all the purists out there seem to think they are bad. I would perhaps agree normally, but the site I am building is for a society which is largely self promoting, so SEO isn't a massive priority.
