I just tried pasting from both WD7 and again off my website. In each case, all the text is copied, but itcomes out as a continuous stream of text without the individual line formatting and without the links.

And, as I may have mentioned, when I copied off my website and directly into WordPress, all there links and copy are there, but without the inidividual line breaks...it was again a continuous stream.

Any other ideas?

Does this have anything to do with the way text is posted initially into WD7?

Somewhere...I believe I spotted it here on the boards...some discussion about adding something and that 'something' I don't recall - to maintain the formatting.

As a side note, I had a guy complain to me that he tried to copy an article off my site and while all the text was there, it was the same situation - when he pasted the text into Word none of the original formatting was there.