Can I ask why must it be a bitmap that you want to export to and why are you using pixels. I haven't done many banners but I have done a few and as Mike has stated above it is all down to resolution as you are working in a vector programme your banner can be scaled. If you set up your artboard to a scale and sorry I have not looked at your bevelled banner and if you then import any bitmaps these have to be in a res. which will scale up to your banner length. What I mean about that for banners & signage I wouldn't go below about 100 dpi although others may say you can go lower than that and if your import bitmap had the resolution of 600 dpi then you could scale up your final PDF by 6 times at the printer. In the "Purge" thread you stated that you imported your vector lettering in I think Artrage and assemble your banner there. The great thing about a vector programme is that vector shapes are not res. dependant so text and shapes will scale up without any hint of the "jaggies" that you would get in a bitmap based programme like PS & Artrage. That's why so many signage printers use Illustrator as their main programme as it is a vector programme. Please do a search on the net or here about scaling, scaling PDF's or signage/banners as there has been many tips which will save you time and therefore money.