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  1. #1

    Default How to keep the gap at the top of the page

    Sorry if this is a simple question...

    On my web page the first page has a gap at the top but the next does not.

    I cannot see what I'm doing wrong

    Example http://www.triplogik.com/test1/index.htm

    go to the products page and you will see there is no gap

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: How to keep the gap at the top of the page


    What you need to do is to edit each page individually.

    Or, create a new home page as a new document, move the top of the page down by unlocking the page in the Page and Layer Gallery, and then duplicating the page for as many pages as you have in your site. (Remember to re-lock the page layer after you do the first edit).

    Then copy and paste your current content from your old site into the new document and when all is copied, save your site with a new name and delete or rename the old document.

    It is much easier to set up a basic template with all the basics and then add your content later. But then hindsight is always greater than foresight.

  3. #3

    Default Re: How to keep the gap at the top of the page

    Cheers after a little effort I go it to work and the next page is the same as the first.

    Next step coloured iframe scroll bars...

    Many thanks

  4. #4

    Default Re: How to keep the gap at the top of the page

    Quote Originally Posted by TimBox View Post
    Next step coloured iframe scroll bars...
    Place in the head section of the iframe source document.

    HTML {
    Remember that colored scrollbars only show in one browser.



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