Thanks all for the kind words, unfortunately, I'm stuck in Illinois for at least another day (my friend and I were supposed to head back yesterday) because there's some heavy snow storms in between here and home... so I'm at my friends house here hoping for good weather tomorrow so we can make it home by christmas eve! Anyway, all that to say, won't be able to work on the logo for a little bit with all your suggestions

Rian, I will have to play around to see if I can get any motion in the wheels while maintaining crisp black & white shapes

Ed, it was basically made for T-shirts, but I'm sure they'll find other ways to use it.
And I hope I have enough time to finish the challenge, but even if I don't, I'm learning a ton!

John, you're totally right and I hadn't thought about that, I'll definitely have to take a look at that, thank you

Zee, I don't want to overdo it too much, the viewer can see that it's a baseball logo easily simply because of the character. adding all those elements might seem like I was searching to find a place just to add them, not because they were vitally important to the design or the message. But I might toy around with using a home plate at the end of the track, that gave me some new imagery. thanks a lot for the ideas!

Tim, thanks a lot, 1st semester wasn't all I had hoped for, but hopefully with the ability to choose more select classes it will be more profitable in the second semester

Risto, you've mentioned a lot of issues I have also noticed but wasn't sure about them, but with someone else thinking the same thing, I'll have to address those as well! The stitches were the hardest part, finding a way to create and modify the blend so the shape and density changed at the right spots, and to get the correct curvature to imply tense eye-brows. I'll have to go in and hand edit each of them, because I thought they were to thin as well. I'll also uncover the S a bit more

thanks all so much for your input, I really appreciate them all! take care, and I'll update whenever I become un-stranded in IL!
take care