Quote Originally Posted by BobInce View Post
dpi settings are irrelevant on the web and will be ignored by web browsers, which will display your images at 1:1 pixels. Xtreme may internally think that a pixel is 1/96 of an inch, but that information is meaningless when it comes to exporting a web page.
Exactly so don't think about dpi so much when you are dealing with web, as for the most part dpi is irrelevant. The only thing you need to know is that it is better to save your images out of Xara at default screen resolution which is 96 and then go and convert them to 72 dpi without actually resampling the image using a batch converter like thumbs plus. This way if you need to use those images in Flash they will import correctly. Actually Adobe Flash is the only web app I know of that pays attention to pixel dpi and will not display your images correctly if you are saving straight out of Xara at 96 dpi.