Wait a minute. You are talking about a (transparent?) gif in the foreground to ensure the size is constant. I had been trying to put it in the background. I'll work with both and get you the URL of the results.
Also I had included the leftmargin and topmargin attributes. But you suggested marginheight="0" and marginwidth="0". Is that for Netscape?

So far here is the begin URL:
Start web page

and the page as it is now up to this point:
Web page up to now.

But, I just don't understand how there can be a 140 pixel cell/column on the left and a fixed percentage width for the top cell/column of say, 80% and have the total add up to 100% for both a 480x640 monitor and a 600x800 monitor.


[This message was edited by buddycom on September 05, 2000 at 12:52 PM.]