Yes, a tool.

I've been watching in amazement how John (Covoxer) has been answering user inquiries regarding adding functionality, with various javascript snippits of code. It is clear to me not only his impressive coding skills but also that Xara-WD can be a very powerful tool in the hands of an expert...

It seems there is a tendency for experienced professional web-coders to dismiss Xara-WD without ever really exploring the flexibility in it provides. Clearly it is a useful tool for those of us with no aptitude for coding but, as Covoxer has shown, it can also be a platform that advanced coders can also use.

I think that in time we will see more skilled web-coders discover the flexibility & benefits Xara-WD offers and get on-board. We will likely continue to see some folks poo-poo the program as not "professional" enough. (Maybe Xara need a $1239 version for those folks -- identical in every way except the price ). Ultimately "to each his own". Those of us who like the tool can enjoy using it and those who think there's something better for them can dismiss us.

Regards, Ross