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  1. #1

    "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    "The nudge distance you entered is invalid. It must be a positive non-zero value."

    I seem to get this message every time I change units.

    For instance, I was working in inches and I wanted to scale something to an exact pixel size. I go into Options and change the Units to Pixels. Ok.

    "The nudge distance you entered is invalid. "

    I look at the Nudge setting and it's 1px

    So what's the problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    should be 1pix not 1px
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Ingolstadt, Germany

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    I add a new unit 'px' corresponding to 1pix, to avoid this problem.

  4. #4

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    I've seen this happen in previous versions as well. It's a bug, sometimes the nudge units reset to zero when changing the unit type.
    I've also seen the effect that each tab lists exactly the same options after this bug occurrs. Xtreme has to be closed and re opened for it to regain proper function.
    I think Brian's 'px' (here) was a typo, he was only noting what the option read after he'd changed units.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    I switch pix/inch/mm a lot - never seen a bug like this - doesn't mean there isn't one of course

    accidentally typing in px, or deleting the p when entering a value directly into the info bar - which gives the same/similar message - that I do a lot
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Box Elder, SD, USA

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    If my default nudge is less than .1 then I will get this when I change units. I usually just close the dialog with the "x", then reopen and reset the nudge value. On one of the versions we could have a default value of .00001 and there would be no problem, the next rev out, tho... the error message was back.
    John Rayner
    For my Photography see:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    right - I don't work in units where less than 1 would be required for nudge - thanks for the info John
    Nothing lasts forever...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    I've seen this happen when the the system-wide "No. of digits after decimal" setting has been reset to zero. (This happens on my system sporadically, and I've come to the conclusion that Opera's to blame.)

    I fix it by going to Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Regional Options > Customize... > No. of digits after decimal and setting it back to '2'.

  9. #9

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    Quote Originally Posted by dpt View Post
    I fix it by going to Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Regional Options > Customize... > No. of digits after decimal and setting it back to '2'.
    Absolutely correct!

    Yes, the 'px' was a typo, but I've discovered that changing from another unit to pixels will produce the error message if the 'No. of digits after decimal' is set to 0.

    So, I'm curious... why do you think it's Opera? I just happen to use Opera as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: "The nudge distance you entered is invalid"

    Quote Originally Posted by brianlj View Post
    So, I'm curious... why do you think it's Opera? I just happen to use Opera as well.
    Using Sysinternals' RegMon application I can see that Opera is continually querying and resetting the "HKCU\Control Panel\International\iDigits" registry key while loading a page. A quick test of loading slashdot.org shows some 630 QueryValue and SetValue calls on this setting.

    I'm guessing that Opera is juggling this value around and at some point forgets to put it back to its original state.

    RegMon is here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/s.../bb896652.aspx




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